Tag Archives: artrock

Musical Genres That Don’t Exist Part One – Artrock

I relax with pop annual 1973 in the bath for Art Rock research.

My last post regarding noise music and experimental sounds got me thinking about something I always enjoy asking musicians when we have them on the show. You see musicians hate to be pinned down and pigeon holed. But on The Show we are all about the holes that the pigeons live in. Thus I have asked a variety of musical guests what they would class there music as.  It seems a common occurrence for these bands to invent their very own genre in effect rendering the pigeon holing technique employed by myself useless, but given the fact they have just made something up they may as well have just used the band name and called it the genre right? The musicians may think they have won, however in order to create something original they have had to go to some lengths and say something like ‘post new wave inspired foke indie’. Thus sounding like fools in the process and everyone knows that being in a band is ALL about been cool, right?

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