Tag Archives: best albums

Greatest LPs of the Noughties (draft – to publish in 2011)

Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport

Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport

In the early summer of 2009 Pitchfork started to list its favourite tunes of the decade, and now we’re into the autumn numerous music magazines are feeding us with their lists of the decade’s best albums.  It’s not just a couple of months too soon for such lists, but A COUPLE OF YEARS TOO SOON!  I’m not naive, I know why they’re doing these lists now – it’s because there are so many such lists produced in the Web 2.0 age that they want to get theirs out before List Fatigue sets in among readers.  But really…we haven’t even heard all the decade’s albums yet, never mind had time to fully digest them.  Fuck Buttons have just released their fantastic second album Tarot Sport.   I’m not saying this is one of my favourite LPs of the decade, but neither am I saying that it isn’t.  I won’t know how I properly feel about this album until the thrill of listening to it has worn off and I can look back on it subjectively.   And I won’t know how I feel about this decade’s music as a whole until the dust has settled and we’re well into the teenies or whatever the next 10 years becomes known as.

As much as I think the concept of a Best Albums Of All Time Made In The Western World! list is flawed, the compilers do usually at least have the courtesy to exclude anything released in the previous 2 or 3 years because of the above mentioned factors.  And the same principles should be applied here.  There should be a Music Critics’ Charter drawn up that states any editor will be flogged at dawn if their publication is seen printing a list of the Greatest Albums Of the Noughties before 2011.