Tag Archives: josh84

News Flash, Josh84 not a robot – Audio Interview

The death of culture? Am Chilled about it.

The death of culture? Am Chilled about it.

In the most impaired creative union since ladyhawk and a bottle of becks T-Mobile recently ‘Challenged’ josh84 to create a superband, using only his free texts and internet. Now, I must admit I set out to write a lovely piece of blogging acid to post up. But have subsequently come around

A bit of background first. T Mobile are a mobile Telecom company, like many companies they have advertising campaigns. In the last year they have organised some kind of flash mob at Liverpool street station and some terrifying cringe worthy karaoke event in Trafalgar square, attended by a group of people who some how make me feel like an alien to the rest of specialise. The latest campaign features Josh 84 and his campaign to create a ‘superband’ on behalf of t-mobile. Well believe it or not Josh 84 is a real human who lucked into this opportunity. Him and his superband have a single out at the moment that they are hoping will be number one this week, in the largest mobilisation of internet buying since rage against the machine (errr in a  few weeks ago). Continue reading