Don't worry, you can still count him on your Famous Belgians list.
Last week I accidentally ruined any remaining vestiges of childhood innocence for BCB’s Tez Burke. A man with a beard as fulsome and manly as Tez’s should probably have left Playmobil and Ker-Plunk behind a long time ago (though Lego is allowed – you can never truly tire or grow out of Lego. God, I miss Lego. I’m off to buy some Lego…), but I suppose William Blake would probably argue that our days of innocence are not to be dismissed in our grown up cynicism. Whilst I agree to an extent, this doesn’t forgive The Songs of Innocence which are, contrary to what your English teacher may have tried to tell you, a load of old shit. (I give you this, from Laughing Song: “When the meadows laugh with lively green / And the grasshopper laughs in the merry scene / When Mary and Susan and Emily / With their sweet round mouths sing “Ha, ha he!” Sorry, but that’s rubbish. Did he not think, “Hmmm, needs a bit of work”?) Continue reading